Wenn ein Exchange Server 2007 oder 2010 eine Weile läuft, kann es beim Ausführen der Management Console zu folgendem Fehler kommen:
The following error occured while attempting to connect to the specified Exchange Server ….
The attempt to connect to ….http//servername/Powershell using „kerberos“ authentication failed: Conneting to remote server failed with the following eorror message The WS-Management server cannot process the request . The system load quota of 1000 request per 2 secons has been exceeded. Send future request at a slower rate or rauise the system quota . The next request from this user will not be approved for at least 89381241 milisecons. For more Informatin , see abouut Remote_Troubelshooting Help Topic
Option 1:
Neustart des WWW-Publishingdienstes. Dies sollte das Problem in 90% der Fälle lösen.
Option 2:
Neustart des kompletten Exchange Servers.